Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Haven't been writing and that's terrible of me. I will reprimand that shortly.

Friday, October 9, 2015

This week what I'm sharing

So I'll be sharing a recipe about once a month and sharing health tips twice.

Right now I'm going share some info on better sleep.


Here's a link to the info I'm about to share.

But what I have been doing to improve my quality of sleep is by making sure my physical activity occurs to as close to 7am as I can get. And making sure if I can prevent it not working out after 7pm. I also have been making sure to take a cold shower before bed to drop my body temperature. I also spend time in meditation and prayer right before bed.

Results far the past month have been great more peaceful sleep and everything has been pretty awesome. Now I want you to try those three things and see how it effects your sleep.

I'm also testing some methods of human optimization personally and on selected individuals. If you are interested in joining my health plan study group you can email yourhealthkits@gmail.com

The blog I'm getting the food ideas from will be from another personal blog of mine. That blog is http://benear-in-chicagoland.blogspot.com/ the subject of the blog is to explore various neighborhoods in the Chicagoland area. With that exploration comes food inspiration for the rest of the week. So please follow if you would like to see some food to try out and my experience with it.

Follow me on Instagram: benjaminear and Twitter: @benjaminear
Hope that you guys will leave a comment and tell me what you liked or would like to see out of my posts.

Look at me with the well timed candid nonchalant look.

Friday, October 2, 2015

I made horchata

So I grabbed a vegan horchata recipe from http://plantbasedonabudget.com/

Here's the link http://plantbasedonabudget.com/tag/vegan-horchata/

It’s so easy and cheap to make your own Horchata, and it’s so much better than Rice Dream’s version. I put that it takes 24 hours to make because I really love it to be extra milky. I’ve made it after letting the rice sit for four hours and it was still tasty but it wasn’t as thick.


one cup long grain white or brown rice, uncooked
6 cups water
2 cups non-dairy milk
1/2 cup sugar
3 cinnamon sticks (or 2 tbs ground)
1 tsp vanilla extract

Step 1

Put the cups of rice into a blender with two cups of water and blend it until the rice is broken up and the water looks very milky.

Step 2

Pour into pitcher with four cups of water, add cinnamon sticks and let sit overnight - or at least four hours (the longer the more milky it will taste).

Step 3

Pour rice milk into another pitcher (or large bowl), using cheese cloth to strain the rice and cinnamon sticks out.

Step 4

Add all other ingredients, mix well, pour over ice and enjoy!

So right now I'm filtering it get the gritty stuff out but it looks awesome and smells great!

I'm also testing some methods of human optimization personally and on selected individuals. If you are interested in joining my health plan study group you can email yourhealthkits@gmail.com

The blog I'm getting the food ideas from will be from another personal blog of mine. That blog is http://benear-in-chicagoland.blogspot.com/ the subject of the blog is to explore various neighborhoods in the Chicagoland area. With that exploration comes food inspiration for the rest of the week. So please follow if you would like to see some food to try out and my experience with it.

Follow me on Instagram: benjaminear and Twitter: @benjaminear
Hope that you guys will leave a comment and tell me what you liked or would like to see out of my posts.

Look at me with the well timed candid nonchalant look.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Making changes

Hey I know I just changed up some of my posts here by posting about food creations. But I have to make changes because I'm making changes to my other blog that produces inspiration for posts on here. So since in http://benear-in-chicagoland.blogspot.com/ I'm changing to eating out just twice I'm only going to have two food creation entries every month or so. Now what is going to happen when I don't post food is going to be my health updates. Which are one entry in what I'm doing and an entry on some info from where I get some of my health choice inspirations from. Like Dr. Rhonda Patrick so here's a link to her site and a link to bone broth recipe source I have used.



I'm also testing some methods of human optimization personally and on selected individuals. If you are interested in joining my health plan study group you can email yourhealthkits@gmail.com

The blog I'm getting the food ideas from will be from another personal blog of mine. That blog is http://benear-in-chicagoland.blogspot.com/ the subject of the blog is to explore various neighborhoods in the Chicagoland area. With that exploration comes food inspiration for the rest of the week. So please follow if you would like to see some food to try out and my experience with it.

Follow me on Instagram: benjaminear and Twitter: @benjaminear
Hope that you guys will leave a comment and tell me what you liked or would like to see out of my posts.

You know just chilling at my cousin's wedding.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Taking a break

Going to be on a break until the 25th because I'm not writing in my other blog. So not going to have meal ideas to write about or anything else. Swamped with Calculus.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Here is a MyPlan Update

A MyPlan Update is a look into what I currently working with as part of my health regimen. Including but not limited to what I'm experimenting with in a condensed amount of time. I'll be sure to explain as much as possible what I'm doing, why I'm doing it and for how long.

Now onto the update what I'm giving you insight to is what I do as part of my morning routine first out of bed. Let's just get into three things I do after waking up. First I drink half a pint of water minimum; I achieve this measurement through the use of mason jars. Fill up the jar at night leave it in fridge and when I wake up get out of bed and down it as quickly as possible. I use spring water with a two pinches of Himalayan salt mixed in or with store bought premixed mineral water.

The next step in my morning routine is to consume 30 grams of protein within the first 30 minutes of waking up. I got this from Tim Ferriss and his slow carb diet method. You can use the link below and follow his methods or wait to see what I adapt for myself. But I achieve this with a spinach, almond milk, and hemp protein shake, or eating few eggs and avocado. I Oslo will substitute with high protein snacks with meat treats like epic bars or protein bars.


Lastly I try to not use my phone for the first hour of waking up. I set that time aside for spiritual reflection. I'm a Judaeo-Christian believer so I spend some time in scripture, prayer and meditation. I tend to be outside if I can so I can get morning sunlight. And I usually spend my prayer time walking or biking.

Videos I made using snap chat

Friday, August 28, 2015

Made a torta kinda..

I write these to add a healthier, more nutrient packed meal. I post every Friday at 5:00 pm Central time, 6:00 pm Eastern time, and  3:00 pm Western time.
How I chose what was made this week is from my blog http://benear-in-chicagoland.blogspot.com/

What I made was torta inspired sandwich. Now its going to be very similar to the burger I made last week with a few tweaks. My sandwich will have some torta qualities but have a few good nutrient packed swaps. Now with most restaurants they are supplied by a company called US foods for most of their ingredients. Unless the restaurant chefs go to the local market themselves or use a personal supplier it's very common for restaurants in your area to be supplied by the same company. But in my sandwich I used grass raised beef (I tried a different company this time), romaine lettuce, sprouted grain bread, can of organic black beans, onion, tomato, cilantro, jalapenos, avocado, herb infused goat cheese, lime, and baby spinach.

Some the Ezekiel sprouted grain bread.

Delicious delicious grass raised beef.

So I started with heating up the cast iron griddle. I took out the meat and placed in a zip lock bag with the various ground chili spices(paprika, guajillo pepper, and ancho pepper ), black pepper, and pink Himalayan salt. The same seasoning blend I used for tacos and burgers. I have a lot of spice to use plus this flavor profile parallels South American flavors. I mixed the meat with the seasoning while the griddle was heating up with a 1/2 table spoon of coconut oil. I used the leftover fats to toast and flavor the bread. While the meat was frying I prepped produce by washing and slicing.

Meat cook time is up to you I went for medium rare so a few minutes on each side for a quick fry. Produce is all about how you like it; I sliced the produce into manageable portions for the size of the toast. I made guacamole with red onion, jalapeno, whole avocado, juice from half of a lime, and cilantro. I seasoned with a few pinches of Himalayan salt. Few pulses in the blender some stirring; not too hard really quick spread to put together.

I was going to incorporate beans by making a black bean spread. The spread is basically cooked black beans and some seasoning, I used the pepper mix from the meat seasoning and some Himalayan salt. The beans were cooked I just heated them up in the microwave in a glass mason jar. I put everything in a blender to make it into a paste. But I had too much water so it turned out really thin. I'm going to boil out some water and add it to the next sandwich.

It still turned out awesome. I had a great sandwich of grass raised beef, and greens. With spices and avocado spread inspired by my favorite sandwich a torta. I added the last of the zucchini to give a nice crunch and added nutrients to the meal. Next time I will add the bean spread and have some raw onion and tomato on top of that. The sandwich is simply grass raised beef, lettuce, spinach, goat cheese, the guacamole spread and zucchini. I also added some sriracha with a few bites.

You are going to get rich minerals of iron, zinc, magnesium and such. As well a plethora of vitamins K, E, and such in the greens. The avocado and goat cheese provide a healthy dose of Omega-3s and essential fats. Then you have lycopene from tomato and various nutrients from the zucchini. The anti-inflammatory effects from the spice of jalapeno pepper. Its very easy to get a huge amount of nutrients with the various amounts of produce you choose to eat in your meals. So with all of this combined in a sandwich like a torta it's very easy get a lot of your daily needs in a delicious bite.

With any Hispanic or Hispanic inspired meal I must enjoy a delicious Mexican Coke.

I don't recommend eating sugar in general but I make quality exceptions for certain treats. If you are going to eat or drink something bad make it worth it to you. Make it a treat that you want to sacrifice a moment of healthiness for something of bad for you but excellent quality.

Cost $30 cost per sandwich $6? You can make around 5 sandwiches roughly maybe 6? But you can make a small side salad or an added side of chips and make extra guacamole. So very cheap meal super full after each one. Couldn't enjoy my lunches more than I already do. Take care guys and enjoy the food!

I'm also testing some methods of human optimization personally and on selected individuals. If you are interested in joining my health plan study group you can email yourhealthkits@gmail.com

The blog I'm getting the food ideas from will be from another personal blog of mine. That blog is http://benear-in-chicagoland.blogspot.com/ the subject of the blog is to explore various neighborhoods in the Chicagoland area. With that exploration comes food inspiration for the rest of the week. So please follow if you would like to see some food to try out and my experience with it.

Follow me on Instagram: benjaminear and Twitter: @benjaminear
Hope that you guys will leave a comment and tell me what you liked or would like to see out of my posts.
If you are an artist help me out please and see what I can swap out this picture for.